Pipe Insulation
What is
Pipe Insulation
If your home is one of the 9m that has a hot water cylinder then, in addition to fitting a cylinder insulation jacket you should also consider lagging the hot water pipes to reduce heat loss even further.
You may not choose to insulate all hot water pipes but it is highly recommended that you insulate the first meter or so of pipe out of the cylinder itself as this will make the most impact.
For electric hot water heater insulation, pipe sleeves made with polyethylene or neoprene foam are the most commonly used.
The safest and best pipe insulation for gas heaters is fiberglass pipe wrap if your pipes are within eight inches from the flue.
Pipe Insulation Example
How do I insulate hot water pipes?
5 simple steps:
- Check the thickness of the hot water pipes and the approximate total length of pipework to ensure you buy the right diameter and length of pipe insulation.
- Turn off the central heating off and wait until the pipes are cool to touch (don’t burn yourself!)
- Cut up the insulation to the lengths required
- Slot the insulation over the pipe and slide into position.making sure each tube butts up to the next
- Secure the insulation if necessary (often not needed)
What is pipe insulation made of?
You should ensure you get the right pipe insulation – if in doubt seek advice at your local specialist plumbing merchants.
For electric hot water heater insulation, pipe sleeves made with polyethylene or neoprene foam are the most commonly used.
The safest and best pipe insulation for gas heaters is fiberglass pipe wrap if your pipes are within eight inches from the flue.
Whatever you go for make sure it conforms to British Satndards.
What pipes do I need to insulate?
Because the purpose of this website is to save energy we’re only talking in terma of preventing heat loss and hence saving money on heating bills.
We’d always suggest that you look to insulate all your hot water pipes wherever you have access to them and it is appropriate.
At very least though you shoul look to insulate the first meter or so of hot water outlet pipes from the cylinder as this will provide the greatest impact for you.
Anything you can do to prevent heat from radiating away from the hot water pipes is going to save you money and may allow you to lower the temperature setting on your water heater.
How much does pipe insulation cost?
Generally pipe insulation is sold in 1m lengths and typically with a bore of either 15mm or 22m to cover the diameter of most pipework.
Cost obviously vary depending on the brand and type of insuklation and quantity of pack. You’ll find economy pipe insulation starts off at just over £1 per meter but an average for better quality is probably around £3 per meter.
Will pipe insulation save me money?
Absolutely – but exactly how much is difficult to say as every case will be different.
What we can say is that for such a small (£3 – £4 per meter or so) outlay you can increase the water temperature in the insulated pipe by around 4 degrees F over an uninsulated pipe and that means, that without a doubt, you are going to save money on heating the water. In fact you may also be able to turn the temperature setting down as a result which is going to save you even more.
As an additional benefit you’re not going to have to wait as long for teh water to “run hot” which means your going to cut down on wasted water too!
Can I insulate pipes myself?
Yes – you can buy pipeinsulation from any DIY store, plumbing shop or even online retailers. It comes in the form of a light, flexible and hollow tube that’s slit down the length.
Simply cut to size with a small handsaw, slot over the pipe and slide into place … simples!